No-Bake Energy Bars

Following the Easter treats, remember that Summer is around the corner. These homemade energy bars are healthy, delicious and easy to make! 

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  • 160g Rolled Oats

  • 300g Pitted Dates

  • 60g Chopped Roasted Walnuts 

  • 1tbsp Olympic Natural Peanut Butter

  • 30g Lamb Brand Sunflower Seeds

  • 1tbsp Lamb Brand Chia Seeds 

  • 50g Dried Cranberries

  • 1tbsp Oat/Dairy Milk (if needed)


  • Place the dates into a food processor and blend well until they become a paste. Add the oats and mix well.

  • Add the rest of the ingredients and pulse until combined and sticky. If it’s too dry, use very little milk to adjust the consistency.

  • Line a deep baking dish with baking paper and press the mixture to about 1.5 inch thickness.

  • Refrigerate for an hour or until set.

  • Cut into bars.


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